Help little Pinguino make it to his igloo home safely. Slip and Slide your way and avoid enemies. Stay Clear of consuming too many fish,  A Full tummy slows Pinguino down causing him to fail. 

This is a very early Prototype of an Upcoming Indie Game I'm making aka Pinguino

This Game Was Made in under 72 Hours for The Wowie 3.0 Jam!
Theme: Failure is Progress

If you're wondering how my game connects to the theme "Failure is Progress" usually in other runner games there's a main collectible that you have to collect in order to buy other things and obviously you'd think that the fish is the main collectible but no it's not cause if Pinguino eats a fish he gets fat because if you were to eat a fish that big you get very fat as well

Only playable on PC for now, a Mobile version will come eventually! If you're having any difficulties please read the controls!


Decelerate Left 
Mute AudioQ
Reset LevelE

Check out the source code on GitHub here!

Adorable, Fast Paced Penguin Platformer with a Cool Twist.


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Pingüino - Game Jam 6.2 MB


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I played this game while listening to "over the rainbow" it was magical

I played your game 

Thanks! :D

Good polish, good style, good game. Though this is more like "progress is failure". Also, in a pixel art style, I would recommend keeping the pixels of all objects the same size. here, the penguin has much larger pixels, and seems a bit out of place

The game just crashed after level 6, it's a pretty fun game though

going sicko mode


(2 edits)

Oh hey! lol it seems like you enjoyed it! Thanks for the rating! :D

Great Game please click Fullscreen so the Space Btn does not scroll the Page :D it is worth it!

Deleted 4 years ago

Sorry about that if you press F you’ll go into full screen mode and that should fix your problem

Yop I made a second comment :P I hope it is ok if I delete this one!

It may be because you aren't focused on the game. Try clicking on it, maybe that will help.